Can videos be used for marketing?
There are still some people who think that using video for marketing is inefficient. Of course, this is no longer the case in the digital era where people prefer image and video content. Using video for marketing is the right thing to do. You can get the best video marketing at the video production house in Bali.
4 Reasons Why Video Is Important for Marketing
There are several reasons why video is important to help company marketing activities:
1. Video Can Increase Sales
The first is that videos can help companies to increase sales. Interesting videos are the right medium to promote goods and services sold by the company. According to existing data, the use of video for company marketing activities can increase company sales by 40% -80%.
S companies can increase sales by up to 200% because of promotions using videos. Demonstrations of goods and services using video are considered capable of defeating promotions that use images and text. This is evidenced by the level of interest of potential consumers towards videos which is much higher than presentations.
2. Video Can Arouse Emotions
The second is that videos can evoke emotions from potential customers. You must have come across a video that is very interesting and makes you excited to watch it to the end, whether you are interested in the quality of the image, the content of the video, and so on. This is what the company uses for marketing activities.
Such activities, of course, cannot be carried out using content in the form of text or images. This confirms that only videos can evoke emotions and enthusiasm from potential customers. Prospective customers will certainly find it easier to understand the content of the video and be more interested in watching the video than viewing images or text.
3. SEO Friendly Videos
The third is SEO friendly videos. Video promotion using YouTube, of course, is already popular nowadays. To make uploaded video content rank at the top, companies need SEO knowledge. SEO will help uploaded video content to rank high in search engines.
So, companies only need to make videos using the services of a video production house in Bali and then use SEO to make their videos rank at the top. When a video is at the top, it’s easier for people to find it and watch it. This is what affects the number of views of the company’s promotional videos.4. Self-Control
4. Video Can Build Consumer Trust
The fourth is that videos can build consumer trust. Video can be a medium for building long-term relationships with consumers. Consumers who like products from a company will certainly not hesitate to share product promotional videos on their social media. This is how videos can build long-term relationships.
From long-term relationships, trust will slowly emerge from consumers. The use of the product and the love of the product for a long time will certainly build consumer confidence in the company. Therefore, use the best videos from a video production house in Bali to help promote.